The Loviisa mobile library will return to service on Tuesday 11 March, after a few months’ break.
Kategoria: In English
Handelsbanken’s payment buttons will be removed 13.2.2025
You can no longer use Handelsbanken for online payments of your own fees from 13.2.2025. The payment buttons will be discontinued as Handelsbanken will cease to operate in Finland.
Update your E-library app
Monday, January 13, there will be an update to the copyright protection in the E-library app. The update fixes download issues that have been occurring with some books.
After this update, the old app version will no longer work, so please remember to update your app.

Helle fees to rise January 1, 2025
Helle fees rise on January 1, 2025. Helle Libraries: Fees and Loan Periods 2025
Overdue fees for unreturned loans will be increased retroactively. If a loan is already overdue this year but will not be returned until next year, the fee will be €0.20 for all days (the overdue fee will increase from €0.15 to €0.20).
You can pay your fines in Helle Finna online library. Log in with your library card number and PIN code.
Rate a book in Helle-Finna
Rate a book – with stars, comments or both and share your experience with others
You can rate a book in Helle Finna, by giving either stars or comments or both. Share your experience with others and tell for instance if the book was what you had expected.
Log in to the online library, choose the book (or music or film) and click its name. You can give stars right away under the cover picture. They can be either full or half stars.
Leave a comment on the Comments tab next to the Holdings tab. Stars can also be given here.
You can change your alias in your profile. Alias information is under your address. Please note that your alias is visible to all other users.

Helle-Biblio closing
Helle Libraries’ e-book and audiobook collection Biblio will close at the end of 2024. You can borrow new books from the service until 30 November. After that date, you will no longer be able to borrow new books, but you can read or listen to books you have already borrowed until 31 December.
You can use the national E-library instead. New e-books and audiobooks are constantly added to the service.
Validity period for holds changes
As of Monday 7 October, the validity period of holds is extended. By default, holds will be valid for five years instead of the previous two, unless you change the period manually.
How to freeze your holds
If the material that you have placed a hold on hasn’t arrived yet or isn’t in transit, you can freeze it. This can be helpful if you are going on a holiday or are otherwise out of town.
You can choose a day until the hold is frozen, or you can freeze the hold and then later release it, so that the hold is active again. Remember that you cannot freeze a hold if you have already received a pick-up notification of it.
You can freeze your holds on Holds and Recalls page under Your Account.

E-library: Using the app

E-kirjasto app is now available for download.
For Apple devices:
Link to download the app.
For Android devices:
Link to download the app.
Hundreds of e-books and audio books and 60 magazines are available in E-library. More material is being purchased, so new reading and listening material is added every week.
If you have any purchase suggestions, please send them through the feedback section of the app, which you will find under the Settings section.
Note that material in English and in other languages will be added later.
The following issues are still to be fixed in the app:
- Currently, the app, which can be downloaded for Android devices, requires strong authentication every time you log in. The Android app will also introduce screen-lock login, after which strong authentication will only be required for the first time you login to the app.
- There may be errors in the language versions of the app, so if you use the app in Finnish, there may be titles in English.
- There may be an initial delay of a few days in the display of children’s data in the app settings.
There have been problems using some bank IDs. In this case, you should try the following:
- Try again in a moment.
- Clear the phone’s cache and restart the phone.
- Uninstall and reload the app.
Helle to join the E-library 29 April 2024

Helle libraries are joining the shared E-library of municipalities that opens on April 29, 2024 (time postponed from previously announced). At first, it offers e-books, audiobooks and digital magazines. Some other resources will be added later.
Initially, the E-Library will only work in an app. An app is developed for both Android and iOS. Later on, a browser version of the E-Library will also be developed.
You register in to the E-library using strong authentication. The customer’s right to use the E-library is determined by whether he or she is a resident of the municipality that has joined the E-library. When a customer changes his/her place of residence, the right to use the E-Library may cease.
Using the E-library is not tied to using a library or a library card, but libraries will help customers log in and provide other advice on how to use the E-library.
As the number of reading rights is limited, you can place a hold on the most popular content. Every week, the continual acquisition of materials increases the content available for reading and listening.
The service is provided by the National Library of Finland in cooperation with public libraries.
More information E-library | Kansalliskirjasto
NB! Helle’s own e-book and audiobook services Biblio and Ellibs will not cease to operate immediately in April. Ellibs will continue until the end of June and Biblio until the end of September.