Update your E-library app

Monday, January 13, there will be an update to the copyright protection in the E-library app. The update fixes download issues that have been occurring with some books.

After this update, the old app version will no longer work, so please remember to update your app.

Uppdatera din E-biblioteksapp

Måndagen den 13 januari, görs en uppdatering av upphovsrättsskyddet i e-biblioteksappen. Uppdateringen åtgärdar nedladdningsproblem som förekommit med vissa böcker.

Efter denna uppdatering kommer den gamla appversionen inte längre att fungera, så kom ihåg att uppdatera din app.

Helle fees to rise January 1, 2025

Helle fees rise on January 1, 2025. Helle Libraries: Fees and Loan Periods 2025

Overdue fees for unreturned loans will be increased retroactively. If a loan is already overdue this year but will not be returned until next year, the fee will be €0.20 for all days (the overdue fee will increase from €0.15 to €0.20).

You can pay your fines in Helle Finna online library. Log in with your library card number and PIN code.